In the Studio

In the Studio

June 5, 2024
St Martin de Porres 2023 painting by Gwyneth Thompson-Briggs

The “Madrid Prize”

Your vote can help send me to Madrid to study directly from great works by Velazquez and Titian! My 2023 pair of paintings, Saints Rose of […]
October 24, 2023

The Crown of Flames and the Thurible

New paintings of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts inspired by the apparitions to St. Margaret Mary and Sr. Lucy of Fatima
March 24, 2023

The Passion of the Infant King

This painting endeavors to make visible two theological paradoxes. We see the Christ Child at about the age of reason, and yet already His Precious Blood […]
March 17, 2021

Portrait in Sackcloth and Scarlet

St. Peter Damian wields the awesome paternal authority of a holy prelate, offering a symbolic choice between penance and damnation.
November 6, 2020

The Rule & the Dove

A pair of quiet altarpieces in honor of the saintly twins Benedict and Scholastica, founders of Western monasticism.
August 11, 2020

Painting Faith

An Ascension in anticipation of Christ's return in glory and in testament to His continuing presence in the Sacraments.
April 6, 2020

Paintings for Holy Week

Is your favorite altarpiece locked away in a church or museum during the corona virus? Until you can see it again in person, here are a […]
March 23, 2020

Madonna of the Crown of Roses

Swathed in ultramarine and crowned with roses, Gwyneth's new Madonna is a testament to the exaltation of the lowly.
March 21, 2020

Homage to an Empress

Gwyneth restores the Virgin's crown in her painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
January 30, 2020

A Carthusian Bishop

Gwyneth depicts the 12th century Carthusian bishop St. Hugh of Lincoln with crosier, chalice, and pet swan.
November 27, 2019

Rome in light of Velázquez, Velázquez in light of Rome

I propose to retrace the steps of Velázquez in the Eternal City, entering into painted conversation with the Renaissance masterpieces he studied, the works of his Italian peers, and his own Roman masterpiece, the Portrait of Innocent X.
November 27, 2019

As Rome Prize fellow, Gwyneth would walk in footsteps of Velázquez

Gwyneth has applied for the Rome Prize to study the artistic treasures of the Eternal City under the guidance of Diego Velázquez.
October 22, 2019

Side projects promote Faith in every sphere of life

In addition to major figurative commissions, Gwyneth dedicates time to smaller scale projects.
August 30, 2019

Dietrich von Hildebrand on Beauty

Dietrich von Hildebrand's Aesthetics, recently published for the first time in English, are a treasury of art and nature criticism.
August 19, 2019

The Hidden Martyrs

The Holy Innocents is a meditation on the hidden but bloody slaughter of children in Herod's Bethlehem and in our world.
July 22, 2019

The Lily and the Carpenter

The coincidence of humility and sublimity in St. Joseph is the subject of this new devotional painting.
June 17, 2019

Darkness & Blood: A New Pietà

The painting conveys the darkness that covered the earth and the blood of Christ reflected in the living body of His Mother, but also the light that would radiate anew on Easter morning.
May 11, 2019

A Crown of Gold for the House of Gold

Gwyneth oversaw the creation of a silver and brass crown, plated in gold, for a statue of Our Lady of Fátima.
April 16, 2019

Pietà with Saints John and Mary Magdalen

Sketches and early progress on Gwyneth's Pietà.
April 16, 2019

Darkness & Light: On the Importance of Drawing

Drawing well requires a boldness, but also a lightness of touch.
March 6, 2019

Depicting a Sacrifice of Tears

The mystical union between Our Lady’s sacrifice of tears and Our Lord’s sacrifice of blood is the subject of a new painting of Our Lady of Sorrows by sacred artist Gwyneth Thompson-Briggs.
January 20, 2019

Painting a Holy Bishop for Our Day

The painting captures St. John Fisher’s idealism, his heroism, the supernatural reality of him as a man perfected by grace.